Friday, February 18, 2011

Even more Sorellanders!

Now the MG man is finished but since I have to go to school there wont be any updates until the afternoon.

Sorelland Army Updates 1

I just woke up early to update my army, I think the officer is finished.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

New W.I.P.

These are my new soldiers from the "Republic of Sorelland", well there is only one right now but there will be updates soon.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Random Germanowank Map

This is a map I created out of a Map Game map.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Key to Pictures

1.Taco Bell Tank
2.Subway Employees
3.Balkanized North America
4.Random Map
5.Mouse Troops
6.An Army I created for my Brother
7.French Supplied Mexican Rebel
8.Flags for Pre-Dog Federation Dog States
9.Crab Pirate

Old Files


I have a new keyboard so updates will be much more frequent now. I also started a new series of paper soldiers.